
You know the Hindu concept of Karma?  One definition goes like this:  Karma is “A consequence or “fruit of action” (karmaphala) or “after effect” (uttaraphala), which sooner or later returns upon the doer. What we sow, we shall reap in this or future lives. Selfish, hateful acts (papakarma or kukarma) will bring suffering. Benevolent actions … [Read more…]


Today’s topic form Benedict’s toolbox is ‘learning.’ I start today asking you some basic questions: On a ‘teachable’ scale are you average, above average, or below average?  What prevents you from learning more?  What (or who) encourages you to learn? Benedictines are known for their scholarship, but it is a scholarship that is not purely … [Read more…]

Possessions–Benedictine Spirituality

Benedict was born in Nursia 480 A.D. died 550A.D. Educated in Rome, he was appalled by the immorality of the city.  Benedict fled to the countryside for solitude and perspective.  He left to be a hermit in Subiaco.  Other monastics were attracted to him and asked him to be their abbot.  The relationship was a … [Read more…]