During the Week

Morning Prayer

Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30 we meet over Zoom to observe the daily office of Morning Prayer from the prayer book. Join us using the Zoom ID: 950 217 2940.

Men’s Bible & Fellowship Groups

Soujourners Men’s group meets on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am. Contact John Burtness for more information. jburtness@msn.com

Fellowship of the King meets Thursday mornings at 6:30 am. Contact Whitt Hollis for more inforrmation. hwhollis@comcast.net

Women’s Bible & Fellowship Group

Our Bible study meets on Tuesdays from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. We plan to go through the entire Bible and discover all the riches God has put in there for us. Our time spent together has been priceless. Please join us! – Contact Anna Chase at al_bc@comcast.com

Women’s Lectio Divina

Women’s Lectio Divina meets twice a month on Saturday morning. Contact Christy Royster for more information.

Prayer Chain

The prayer chain provides emergency as well as long term prayer needs for family, friends, and neighbors. These are passed to those on the chain via e-mail. We are also considering ways to pray more intentionally for Epiphany’s ministry and mission, and a few of us meet on Wednesday mornings at 7:30. Anyone desiring to join this ministry, please phone Anna Chase at al_bc@comcast.com.


Middle School and High Schoolers – we have various youth events and parties, as well as Sunday Bible study.  We have teamed up with the parish of St. Michael and All Angels & St. Gabriel’s for several events.  For more details contact Fr. Stace.