Serving at Epiphany


Contact Fr. Stace if you would like your child to serve as an acolytes. It is a wonderful opportunity to participate in the service and learn more about our Anglican traditions!

Altar Ministry

Altar Guild is growing. We are so pleased with the increase in numbers of dedicated members and the enthusiasm with which we all serve.  We welcome anyone who is interested in participating. Several times a year we hold a workshop/meeting to instruct in Altar Guild service. Contact Shirley Johnson for more information at

Children’s Ministry

We have many opportunities available to help with children from being a Sunday school teacher to a teacher’s aid, helping with the Christmas pageant, or simply bringing snacks. Please contact Sarah Tafoya if you can help out.


Work with a partner to tally the week’s offering and deposit at the bank. Each team serves about once a month.

Hospitality & Lunches

We are always looking for volunteers to help making the coffee, setting out snacks, or helping to host special events. Contact Ann McKissick to join a lunch team at

Readers and Chalice

We have several readers and chalice bearers. We are an integral part of the liturgy because we invite people into the presence of God and we help administer the sacrament. There is always room for more!  Contact Fr. Stace at for more info.

Streaming Services

Work during the service to run the live stream and assist with the audio of the service.


This is the perfect ministry to meet your fellow members of Epiphany! We are the ‘welcome wagon’ for the church. We can always use more greeters! If you are interested, contact Fr. Stace at