Music at Epiphany

Liturgical Music

Worship and parish life at Epiphany is supported and enhanced by thoughtful incorporation of music services throughout the year. Epiphany enjoys expanded musical offerings utilizing traditional and contemporary music. A variety of musical styles supports the liturgical calendar.

  • Traditional – Epiphany celebrates using a traditional service format including music from Hymnal 1982 and organ literature. Our traditional format is offered at 8:00 AM on Sunday.
  • Contemporary – A more contemporary service is offered at 10:30 AM on Sunday. The service blends use of traditional hymns with organ accompaniment and contemporary selections with piano, percussion, and singers.
  • Evensong – Following the tradition of the Episcopal Church, evening prayer is offered throughout the year. Epiphany has selected Saturday evening as a time when they gather, celebrate evening prayer and most often enjoy musical offerings as elements of the service.


  • RSCM- Epiphany is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music . The program follows standards defined by the RSCM. Students participate in liturgies throughout the year, often including Evensong and other festivals of the liturgical year.
  • Adult and Contemporary-This group of musicians occasionally supports the 10:30 service and holiday services.


  • Allen Organs – Epiphany has been blessed with substantial instruments that support the parish’s musical life. From April 1982 until recently, the church enjoyed a large custom 3 manual, 83-stop Allen instrument. A new Allen Quantum 3-manual instrument is currently being installed and promises to lift the musical experience to new heights for the parish and the community. The new instrument is 80 stops, 3-manuals and 5 divisions and has 7 distinctive stop lists. It also incorporates Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) that further expands the sounds possible. The instrument is the largest of its type in the state of Colorado – and one of very few that has a 64’ stop in the pedal division.
  • Mason & Hamlin – A large grand piano has been a pivotal instrument in parish life and supports all service formats. The primary choice to accompany contemporary worship, the piano is also used as a solo instrument.
  • Rodgers Cambridge – This 2 manual organ supports music in the Chapel.