Holy Eucharist
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (also known as Communion or the Lord’s Supper) is observed every Sunday at Epiphany and during the week in the Chapel. It is the sacrament commanded by Christ for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection, until he comes again. The Eucharist is the way by which Jesus’ sacrifice is made present to us, and in which we are united to him in his one offering of himself. Bread and wine are the signs of Christ’s Body and Blood, and they minister grace, strength and hope to us
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion at the Lord’s table. If you prefer not to receive, but wish to come forward for a blessing, please do so by crossing your arms against your chest.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism can be administered anytime. However, the seasons of Christmas, the Sundays after Epiphany, the Easter Vigil and the Sundays after Easter, and the Day of Pentecost are particularly encouraged. Baptism is for all ages from infancy to adults.
Holy Baptism at Epiphany will occur during the Sunday Eucharist so that your church home can be supportive of the vows that are made in Baptism. You are required to meet with the Rector for instruction on Baptism at least 6 months before the desired date.
Each candidate for Holy Baptism is presented by one or more sponsors (also known as godparents), who must be themselves be baptized and practicing Christians. The choice of sponsors is subject to approval by the Rector.
There is no charge for Baptism at Epiphany. However, many families wish to make some offering in thanksgiving for the Baptism.

As the Book of Common Prayer 1979 says, “The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.” Therefore, we take the sacrament of marriage very seriously at Epiphany and therefore it is reserved for members of Epiphany only.
The man and woman contemplating marriage are required to meet with the Rector for at least five sessions of pre-marital instruction which includes the Church’s teaching concerning marriage and family life. Expect at least 6 months for the pre-marital counseling process. Additional sessions may be required at the Rector’s discretion. By canon law, the Rector must be satisfied that the couple intends and is able to undertake a Christian marriage before he consents to conduct the wedding.
Divorced persons seeking to remarry while their former spouse is still alive are required to undergo additional counseling with the Rector. The permission of the bishop must also be obtained for remarriage in church.
All weddings take place in the church using the authorized liturgy in The Book of Common Prayer 1979. Flash photography is strictly prohibited during the service.
There is no charge for building use at Epiphany for members. Additional fees are payable to the organist, and any other musicians, arranged by the couple. Normal honorarium for the clergy is $250-300. Many couples also wish to make some additional offering to the church for the Rector’s time in premarital counseling.
Christian Burial
When a parishioner is near death, the priest should be notified immediately so that the the “Ministration at the Time of Death” may be said on behalf of the loved one. Calls for these purposes can and should be made at any time of the day or night. Fr. Stace’s cell number is 303-229-0208.
As soon as possible after the death, the Rector will meet with the next of kin to plan the details of the funeral service. All church members are strongly encouraged to record their wishes concerning their funeral service and file them with the parish office, as surviving family members are often unfamiliar with Anglican burial customs.
The funeral service is normally held in the church. Funerals and memorial services may be scheduled for any time of the year, except Sundays and times when the church is being prepared for major liturgies (for example, on Christmas Eve or Holy Saturday).
The form of the service will be the authorized liturgy found in The Book of Common Prayer. Only readings from Holy Scripture are permitted. Hymns are restricted to those in the Episcopal Church’s authorized hymnal, though exceptions can me made.
The Rector or officiating priest will give a brief homily during the service. “Eulogies” are not part of the Anglican tradition. However, by prior arrangement with the Rector, personal reminiscences may be offered at an appropriate point in the service.
Excessive floral displays are discouraged. Instead of sending flowers to the church, it is appropriate to make a donation to the church or to charity in memory of the deceased. Video clips are not allowed.
There is no charge for funerals at Epiphany. However, fees are payable to the organist, and any other musicians, as well a donation to the church for refreshments. Clergy honorarium is from $250-$300.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment or upon request. It is also offered at regularly scheduled times before Christmas and during Lent.
Confessions are normally heard in the chapel. A confession is confidential ‘even unto death.’
The traditional Anglican rule concerning Confession is “All may; some should; none must.” If any serious sin is bothering your conscience, you should definitely make your confession to a priest and receive absolution before receiving Holy Communion. Also, many parishioners find the discipline of regular confession an immense comfort and aid to spiritual growth.
Please consult Fr. Stace for guidance on how to prepare for and make your confession.
Anointing of the Sick
Please ensure that the priest is notified immediately if you are taken into hospital or are otherwise seriously ill or injured.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, also known as Holy Unction, is available by appointment or upon request. It is normally also administered as part of the first Sunday Eucharist of the month.
Confirmation & Membership
The apostolic laying-on-of-hands is normally administered at the High Plains confirmation in the season of Easter. However, we also have Confirmation every three years during our Bishop’s visit.
The Rector and a team of catechists conducts classes for young people and adults desiring to be confirmed. Please consult with the Rector on the appropriate age for Confirmation.
Those already confirmed by a bishop in the apostolic succession – including individuals confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church or chrismated in the Eastern Orthodox Church – are not confirmed again but should be formally received into the Episcopal Church by the bishop during the Confirmation service. Those desiring to transfer membership from another church must also take part in Confirmation instruction.
House Blessing
If you move into a new home, it is particularly appropriate to ask the Rector to visit and do a house blessing.
Pastoral Counseling
If you are experiencing personal problems of any kind, or if you are having doubts and questions concerning your faith, please do not hesitate to call the Rector for an appointment. He is always available as a spiritual father and friend to offer whatever assistance he can.