The Way of Herod

Advent 1A 2007 Matthew 24 There was an article in Time magazine a couple of years ago entitled, “Why More Americans are Reading and Talking About the End of the World.”  The article mentions the popularity of the “Left Behind” series which had sold more than 50 million copies at the writing of the article.  … [Read more…]

The Leftovers

Proper 28 2007 Malachi 3 Malachi is kind of mysterious book.  The prophet is unknown and the historical situation is not entirely clear.  Most scholars place the prophecies of Malachi after the exile of Israel and Judah, during the reign of the Persians.  While the Assyrians and the Babylonians destroyed and exiled conquered peoples, the … [Read more…]

Our Redeemer Lives

Proper 27C Job You know the age old question that Rabbi Kushner put into words for us in his book Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.  Ancient Philosophers called this the great ‘theodicy’ or the ‘problem of evil.’  Either the evil in the world is proof that there is no God, or the God … [Read more…]

Wrestling with God

Proper 24 Genesis 32 Luke 18 Honestly, how many of you prayed for the Rockies in the last few weeks? I suppose it is a natural thing to do. I think the Broncos need it more. But is prayer really about praying for our sports teams? Prayer is simple but not simplistic. We are privileged … [Read more…]