The Radical Minimum

Proper 18 Luke 14 Pew Research did a survey of 18-25 year-olds that asked them what they wanted for their future. 81% said they wanted to be rich, and 51% said they wanted to be famous. Based on the reality TV craze, it would appear that fame is not as difficult as it used to … [Read more…]

Fill My House

Proper 17 Luke 14:1-14 Just out of curiosity, how many of you could use $12 million? Imagine how $12 million could change your life. More than likely it would set any of us up for the rest of our lives. Real Estate billionaire Leona Helmsley died earlier this month and some terms of her will … [Read more…]

Holy Division

Proper 15 Luke 12 From the prophet Jeremiah, “Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? Says the LORD. Is not my word like fire, says the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks … [Read more…]

Cross Faith

Proper 14 Hebrews 11:1-16 A couple of nuns who worked with the infirm had gone out to the country to minister to an outpatient. On the way back they were a few miles from home when they ran out of gas. They were standing beside their car on the shoulder when a truck approached. Seeing … [Read more…]