Put off the old, Put on the new

Proper 13 Colossians 3:5-17 We are coming to an end of our series on the book of Colossians. It is fitting that our study of Colossians would culminate in a baptism this morning. Paul’s word, and God’s words to us could not be more fitting. Remember the issue in Colossians is putting of the old … [Read more…]

Christ in you, the hope of glory

Proper 11C Colossians 1:21-29 Did anyone wait in line all night to get the new Harry Potter book? Anyone that would wait in line at midnight for something like that is crazy…oh and Star Wars doesn’t count. Ha ha. Last week we started our series on the book of Colossians. We learned that Colossians is … [Read more…]

Choose Your Kingdom

Proper 10 Colossians 1:1-24 We are looking at the book of Colossians, both in our Christian Ed hour and the sermon. Colossians is a unique book. When we studied Ephesians last summer, we learned that Ephesians was a book written by Paul to new Christians or to those in baptismal training. The same can be … [Read more…]

The Workers are Few

Proper 9 Luke 10:1-19 Sarah and I returned from a marriage Sabbath retreat last weekend that was spectacular. We had an opportunity to meet other clergy couples and commiserate on our similar challenges as couples in ministry. This Wednesday is our anniversary of 9 years. I’ve counseled a few couples this spring who are set … [Read more…]